Body Treatments

At Tetyana Esthetics, all of our body treatments are comfortable and relaxing. Cryotherapy has recently gain recognition as one of the safest and most effective methods of toning, slimming, and cellulite reduction.


Cool Restore™ Cryo Body Treatments

This comfortable and relaxing treatment uses cryo technology to minimize stubborn body fat, reduces cellulite, and overall improves skin elasticity. It stimulates the skin to deeply move lymphatic fluid buildup with no downtime. Cryotherapy has recently gained recognition as one of the safest and most effective methods of toning, slimming, and cellulite reduction. The cryo body sculpting technology of Zemits CoolRestore Elegance™ uses the extremely low-temperature range to dramatically impact the local fat deposits, as well as boost collagen and elastin production.

Cool Restore™
Hand Revival: $75


Cool Restore™
Tummy Slimming: $250

Cool Restore™
Arms Toning: $150


Cool Restore™
thighs Toning: $300